When I was young I learnt the recorder and clarinet with the Guernsey Peripatetic Music Service and learnt Piano with Chris Claxton at Blanchelande College. I had a great experience playing in the wind bands and orchestras playing the lead part most of the time. We also had a recorder group and whilst on The Summer Orchestral Course in Guernsey I played the 2nd Part to the Brandenburg Concertos written for 2 recorders, solo violin and orchestra.
After taking grades 8 and performance certificate on recorder and grade 8 on clarinet and acheiving a pass in grade 6 on piano I was equipped to start a career at Trinity Music College London. I studied early music and my main instrument was recorder.
Since then I have learnt to play flute and saxaphone and I play violin to a moderate standard.
I have taught music on and off since 1998 teaching in Cambridge at the Leys and St. Faiths and taught piano and keyboards for Kingston Music and Arts.
Currently I am teaching privately from home.
I have been performing with Norfolk Reeds, a clarinet group based in King's Lynn, have played alto sax for the Centre Stage Swing Band also in this area.
And on a more alternate note have played